
All covers and souvenir cards offered on this page come directly from the Central Florida Stamp Club. Neither FLOREX nor the FSDA are involved in this venture in any way.

All items can be ordered by sending a check or money order (no cash please) payable to the CFSC, to P.O. Box 1206, Plymouth FL 32768-1206. Orders will be shipped within 10 days of receipt.

For those seeking show cancels during the 90 day period from 12.07.24 until 03.07.25 please send your requests to:

Postmaster, 900 Plymouth Sorrento Rd, Plymouth FL 32768.

Make sure to specify the cancel date desired.

FLOREX 2024 has the theme of: FLOREX 75th Anniversary

The DISPLAY button shows the cachet with all the elements in place.

display cachet


FLOREX 2023 has the theme of: Boston Tea Party Commemoration

The DISPLAY button shows the cachet with all the elements in place.

display cachet


FLOREX 2022 had the theme of: Lincoln Memorial, 100 years

The DISPLAY button shows the cachet design with all the elements in place. Sold out.

display cachet


FLOREX 2021 has the theme of: Honoring Health Care Workers

The DISPLAY button shows the cachet design with all the elements in place.

display cachet


FLOREX 2020 Special Cachet for the show that did not happen.

The DISPLAY button shows the cachet design with all the elements in place. Sold out.

display cachet


FLOREX 2019 had the theme of: 50 year Anniversary of the Moon Landing

The DISPLAY button shows the cachet design with all the elements in place, this is a three stamp combo cover. Prices include shipping.

display cachet


FLOREX 2018 had the theme of: 100 Years of Air Mail Service

The DISPLAY button shows the cachet design with all the elements in place.

display cachet


FLOREX 2017 had the theme of: JFK, 100 Year Celebration

Click on the DISPLAY button on the right to see the completed cachet with all the elements present.

display cachet


FLOREX 2016 had the theme of: National Parks 100 year Anniversary

There are four cachet designs available for each day of the show. A set of three, one for each day of the show includes Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Devil's Tower. The fourth design of Mt. Rushmore is considered an optional cover.

Click on the SPECIAL button on the right to see all four of the cachet designs. Select the COVERS button to see examples of all four completed covers.

coverscover will all


FLOREX 2015 had the theme of: Hubble Telescope 25 years

Click on the DISPLAY button on the right to see the completed cachets. There is a small stock of covers available..

display cachet


FLOREX 2014 had the theme of: The Star-Spangled Banner [ 2 different stamps available]

Click on the DISPLAY button on the right to see the completed cachets. There is a small stock of covers available.

display cachetspecial SSB


FLOREX 2013 had the theme of: International Red Cross 150 years.

Click on the DISPLAY button on the right to see a sample of the completed cachet with all the elements in place.

display cachet


FLOREX 2012 had the theme of: The Titanic - 100 year Anniversary.

Click on the DISPLAY button on the right to see a sample of the completed cachet with all of the elements in place.

display cachet


FLOREX 2011 had the theme of: Project Mercury - 50 year Anniversary.

Covers: An image can be seen by clicking on the COVERS button. A set of three is available for $8.00 postage paid. A single cover (select a date 12.02, 12.03 or 12.04) for $3.00 which includes postage.

Click on the SPECIAL button to see the limited edition covers produced. A set of three is available for $12.00 postage paid. A single cover (select a date 12.02, 12.03 or 12.04) for $4.00 which includes postage. Very Limited quantities of this cachet exist.

covers 2008speciali covers


FLOREX 2010 had the theme of: Scouting -- 100 years.

Covers: An image can be seen by clicking on the COVERS button. A set of three is available for $8.00 postage paid. A single cover (select a date 12.03, 12.04 or 12.05) for $3.00 which includes postage.

Click on the SPECIAL button to see the limited edition covers produced. The first is a special edition cover which includes the 4 cent Scouting Stamp from 1960. The second cover uses the Scouting stamp from 1985 and has the FSDA 50 year Live Long and Prosper cancel. The third cover uses the Stamp Collecting stamps from 1986 with the FSDA 50 year Live Long and Prosper cancel. Pricing is per cachet. Limited quantities of these products exist.

covers 2008speciali covers


FLOREX 2009 had the theme of: Lincoln

Cinderella: Click on the CINDER09 button to see the final product.

cinder 2009

Covers: An image can be seen by clicking on the COVERS button.

covers 2008


FLOREX 2008 had the theme of: Model T Ford Celebration

Cinderella: Click on the CINDER08 button to see the final product. The wonderful piece of art work fully occupies a 8.5*11 piece of paper and is gummed & perfed. Full sheets (1 to 4) are for sale for $4.95 each + $2.00 for shipping. Five or more --- are shipped free of charge.


Sheets:A sample of the sheet produced by is available for viewing by clicking on the SHEET button. We have a stock of 5 sheets available for sale at $10 each.

sheet 2008

Covers: An image can be seen by clicking on the COVERS button. There are less than 15 sets available for sale.

covers 2008


Cards: The images for this set of 8 Show Sounvenier Cards can be seen by selecting the SS CARDS button.



FLOREX 2007 had the theme of: Jamestown 1607-2007

Sheets: A sample of the sheet produced by is available for viewing by clicking on the SHEET button. We have a stock of 14 sheets available for sale at $10 each.

FLOREX 07 sheets

Covers: An image can be seen by clicking on the COVERS button. There are a very limited number of sets available.

FLOREX 2007 covers sales